Keepmark 1.51.0

Another month of work on Keepmark is behind me, and it seems like a good time to release the next version with the latest changes. This time I was mainly focused on markdown editor - there were many fixes and improvements, which I’ll talk about below. But there were also a couple of small features - like Read Mode for HTML documents preview.

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Keepmark 1.50.0

I think it’s a good time to share the next bunch of changes to Keepmark that I’ve made over the last month. This time, there are fewer changes because it’s also a faster release. I focused mainly on the application’s keyboard navigation. The topic is not exhausted yet, but it is definitely better. As part of this topic, there is also a new document search component.

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Keepmark 1.49.0

I’m excited to announce the latest update for Keepmark. This release brings numerous improvements and new features aimed at enhancing user experience. One of the main feature is added possibility to assign documents to projects. It’s an additional dimension in document organization that will allow you to determine why you need to keep a particular document, and it’s made it easier to complete your projects by allowing easier access to your collected knowledge and data.

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Keepmark 1.48.0

Over the past two months, significant enhancements and fixes have been made to improve the functionality and user experience of my application. So it’s about time to release them in a new version of Keepmark. I don’t think there’s any single main feature worth highlighting at the start, so I’ll just go into detail about what I’ve done.

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Keepmark 1.47.0

Work on the application is moving forward. I’ve accumulated some features and fixes, so it’s probably a good time to release Keepmark 1.47.0. As in previous releases, much of the time has been allocated to the new editor, but these are not the only changes and improvements. For the start, I can mention the added integration with the Pocket service, or the ability to preview drawio files, but smaller improvements also fell in - like memory usage optimizations.

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