I think it’s a good time to share the next bunch of changes to Keepmark that I’ve made over the last month. This time, there are fewer changes because it’s also a faster release. I focused mainly on the application’s keyboard navigation. The topic is not exhausted yet, but it is definitely better. As part of this topic, there is also a new document search component.

Keepmark 1.50.0

So, starting from this new search component. It allows filtering documents by tags, location, projects, and people. When you type in the input field one of #, /, !, @, there should appear a popup that helps you select the right value from the list. It's a much more convenient way to filter documents, than clicking on some filters in the panel on the left side. This new search component is also available in the Quick Documents Search window, where until now there wasn't a possibility to apply such filters.

Quick search dialog

Moving on to keyboard navigation - you can now navigate between panels using Alt + Arrow (or Cmd+Options+Arrow on MacOs). It probably does not work in every single place in the application, but at least in most common navigation paths. There was also added focus indicator for active elements to help you see where the active element is currently located. Keyboard navigation was the task that I spent most of my time working on this release, and affected many components.

As for smaller changes, there was added option to automatically assign the current date as the publication date. Many of the notes are finished at the same day when you start working on it, but father improvements on it will change it's last update date, so you will lose information about when it was created. I've noticed it in my documents, when I was afraid to make improvements in notes to not lose information about their creation date. This simple checkbox has increased my comfort in working with notes.

New document dialog

Other fixes worth mentioning:

  • Implemented asynchronous document preview opening to enhance UI performance.
  • Fixed issues related to file name length when creating new documents.
  • Fixes for caret navigation in markdown editor for MacOs
  • Fixes for showing/hiding caret when the editor gains or loses focus
  • Fixes for marking documents as read