I’m excited to announce the latest update for Keepmark. This release brings numerous improvements and new features aimed at enhancing user experience. One of the main feature is added possibility to assign documents to projects. It’s an additional dimension in document organization that will allow you to determine why you need to keep a particular document, and it’s made it easier to complete your projects by allowing easier access to your collected knowledge and data.

The projects feature was introduced some time ago, but it was related to the organization of Tasks. Now also documents can be associated with projects, and in the future I also have plans to add a unified view for the projects mixing documents and tasks.
In this release a configuration option has been added to the Feed functionality, to decide whether to download its tags as well when downloading an entry. This can be critical for people who want to have control over what tags are defined for the workspace and don’t want external sources adding their own there.
There are also some changes to working with filters. One of them, are predefined filters, which will make it easier to create your own configurations of them. The view of saved filters has also changed, which seems more consistent with the overall design of the application.
Traditionally, there were also a few improvements in the new markdown editor. There I added support for the ctrl+delete keyboard shortcut for deleting next word. I also took care of some optimizations here regarding document rendering, so opening these files works noticeably faster as well. There is also a fix for creating a new block inside the document if the caret is currently in an empty block. I’ve also plugged the new editor into places I’ve missed before - including the conflict preview when synchronizing, and the description field for the document.
There are also some smaller improvements to the document preview window. Probably one of the biggest is refreshing the preview if the opened file is modified by an external application. For publication date and status selections, selected values are now visible in the tooltips - in case the number of tags assigned to the document made the selected values unreadable. I also eliminated the preview resizing jump when opening its side panels. I also changed the preview redner mechanism for *.docx files - now the preview of these files opens noticeably faster.
The tasks module also got some improvements. In last release I added placeholders during loading for documents, in this one I did the same for tasks. I also optimized a bit the memory consumption of tasks - now the description of a task is read when it is presented - previously it was kept in memory even if it was not displayed.
I also added the ability to filter Inbox by tags. I’ve been missing this functionality when there are a lot of documents waiting in Inbox and I have a need to figure out which tags within the repository a particular document will fit into. I’ve also made improvements to the editing of tag names, and to the assignment of documents to tags themselves.
Of the other improvements and changes that I struggle to assign to a specific category, I can mention:
- Java upgrade to 21 and JavaFx upgrade to 23. This is a fairly low-level change that involved a number of different smaller post-upgrade fixes.
- One window for document search - previously, repeatedly opening a document search window could bring up many such windows. Currently, if a search window is already open, it will be “pulled to the front”.
- New icons for files and fixes in the display of these icons on MacOs, where they previously seemed a bit blurry.
- Improvements in remembering the size change of the application window - until now, although the size was remembered, each new opening of Keepmark created a window a few pixels larger than the previous one.
- Fixes to XPDF Tools download - an alternative method of rendering PDFs - at some point the download of this “extension” stopped working.
- Improvements in dropping files into Keepmark - currently if a file already exists there will be an additional option to add a new file under a different name.
- Fixes for showing the “Move to repository” item in the context menu.
- Fixes for document removal for the synchronization mechanism.