Over the past two months, significant enhancements and fixes have been made to improve the functionality and user experience of my application. So it’s about time to release them in a new version of Keepmark. I don’t think there’s any single main feature worth highlighting at the start, so I’ll just go into detail about what I’ve done.

As usual, there are a handful of fixes and improvements to the new markdown editor. Among them, the main feature is the introduction of task lists - next to each list item you can mark whether it is done or just not yet.

As for smaller visual changes, I also fixed the underline under misspelled words. From the functional fixes, I can mention a fix for copying text from the editor; a fix for positioning the caret after making an indent in Code Block, and a fix with adding a new item to the beginning of the list by automatic formatting (after typing -
When Keepmark detects unsaved changes when closing a document, a new message will appear with an additional option to save made changes.
I have also made a number of changes to the document search window. From now on, the document preview during the search is done in a similar way as the document preview in the main application window (but only for reading).
While we’re at it, I’ve added the ability to add the context of the text on the screen to the search. For this functionality, you need the Tesseract application installed on your system, and a path configured for it in Keepmark’s settings.
One of the inconveniences when searching for documents, was a blank document tile in the list before its details were loaded. In the new version, it will no longer be blank - there are additional placeholders on the tile, which will be replaced with the correct text after the details are loaded.
And being with search - I also improved the relevance of the returned results - now some fields (like title, or file name) are more important than others (like content) and finding the searched text in them will make the document higher in the results list.
I also added the ability to open a bookmark in the system browser directly from the context menu of an open document.
There is also a new view in the application with a progression of individual long processes running in the background (which can usually be seen when opening the workspace).
There have also been changes to the rss/feed mechanism. I have improved the view of the list of available sources when adding a new channel, and in the channel settings came the setting of how often a channel should be checked for new items.
I also fixed the problem with HTML entities appearing in the title of downloaded items, and also during the synchronization process in the new progress dialog, you can see the title of the channel that is synchronizing (and stop this process).
Of the smaller improvements that I can mention there is also:
- fixes for removing items from trash
- corrected some icons in share menu
- fixes for changing visible module when dashboard is not fully loaded