Work on the application is moving forward. I’ve accumulated some features and fixes, so it’s probably a good time to release Keepmark 1.47.0. As in previous releases, much of the time has been allocated to the new editor, but these are not the only changes and improvements. For the start, I can mention the added integration with the Pocket service, or the ability to preview drawio files, but smaller improvements also fell in - like memory usage optimizations.

I mentioned above about Pocket integration. A new tab has been added to the app's settings, with which you can configure integration with Pocket. This works on a similar concept to browser bookmarks - newly added articles are downloaded from the Pocket server and checked periodically. If you, like me, for example, search for something on your phone, and then save interesting links for read later in the Pocket service, they can now go to your Inbox (or other folder of your choice).

When it comes to the editor itself, which (for the past few releases) I largely focus on, there is an new `Extract text` option. With it, you can select a fragment of text (e.g., a bullet from a list) and move it to the end of a document or to a separate file, to expand the topic. Optionally, you can have a link leading to a new place in exchange for the extracted text.

In the editor's ContextHelper (ctrl+space), you can also select actions with the mouse. By default, when you open this menu, all available actions are now visible (with the ability to filter them as before).

Other editor-related fixes include:
- fixes for pasting images into the editor from the clipboard
- fixes in cursor positioning in the editor
- fixes to positioning of code blocks in the editor
- adding a Hightlight action to the editor’s toolbar
- fixes in the editors spell checker - the caret no longer has to be inside the wrong word
- fixes to the spell checker if a blank block is added or removed before incorrect words
- adding information about keyboard shortcuts to the editor’s toolbar
Among the fiches from the introduction - I added the option to preview files generated by the drawio application. This is a really cool and free diagram generation program that I sometimes use, and it will be convenient to be able to preview such a diagram without having to open a separate application. The preview is generated by Drawio - you need to have it installed on your computer, and set the path to this application in Keepmark's Settings (External tools). It takes some time to generate the preview, but it still works faster than having to run an additional application to see if this is the file you are interested in.

The default view of the document list has also changed. Now, in addition to the title itself, you can quickly see the file format, thanks to the introduction of a large representative icon. And while we're at the document list, the context menu has also been styled and enriched with icons to make it easier to locate the action you want to perform.

Another feature related to the document list is suggesting the location where the document should be when moving it to the repository. This works by searching for similar files, so it will work best if you already have some various documents in the repository.

Finishing off the list of features, it is still worth mentioning the handful of additional fixes that have been included in this version of the app:
- fixes to Tasks search, to reduce memory consumption
- fixes for downloading content from the Internet (feeds, bookmarks) for memory usage
- fixes to the file synchronization mechanism if the file name contains
chars. - fixes for deleting files during synchronization
- fixes for marking a document as read - sometimes, despite being read, the document was highlighted as unread
- memory optimizations for PDF preview
- fixes for displaying previews of encrypted images
- remembering the “zoom” when viewing HTML files
- fixes for extracting article content from a web page