The latest release includes many smaller changes and fixes from different areas of the application. If I had to pick one of the features most exciting to me, I guess it would be the ability to search inside markdown documents. But there are others, such as the ability to open documents in new tabs in the Work Context view, or another bunch of fixes for the new markdown editor.

Among the fixes to the editor were fixes to the caret “jumping” when typing text, fixes to image width, the ability to insert images from the context menu (ctrl+space), fixes to positioning the cursor inside the document, deleting the last word (ctrl+backspace), inserting formatting into empty blocks/lines, and fixes to spell check.
Of the editor’s new features is the previously mentioned document search option, which looks pretty good:

I also added a Highlight option in the markdown editor - available for now from the context menu (ctrl+space), allowing you to additionally highlight a piece of text.

Starting with this release, the new editor already becomes the default editor, but if you encounter insurmountable problems with it, you can revert to the old editor in the application settings.
There were supposed to be more improvements regarding Work Context - other problems found pulled me out of this feature and I have not been able to return to it. As I mentioned earlier, the ability to open documents in new tabs has appeared. This includes the Web view, where a button to copy the view to a new tab has appeared. There is also a dedicated button for opening WorkContext in a new window, and minor fixes in PDF generation for the Web view.

Another new feature is the ability to convert documents to textpack and markdown formats. This can be done from the document sharing menu (that big arrow).

There is also an option to filter ActivityFeed entries by type, so you can more quickly find, for example, entries created manually about your daily activity:

Of the other changes, I can also mention:
- Fix for opening encrypted markdown files
- Feeds download fixes
- Visual improvements for the dashboard
- Faster document indexing (listing files from disk)
- Lucene update and smaller search fixes that will speed up some searches and reduce memory usage
These last 2 points will cause Keepmark to have to reindex the entire repository from scratch the first time you open the workspace, which will take a little longer depending on the size of the repository, but the next application launches should run a little faster.