I did it! As of today, the new Keepmark 1.41.0 is available for download. There’s not much new this time - it’s a more technical release. The biggest visible change is the new view for tags. From now on, access to tags is in the folder list view, or filters (instead of a separate view), which makes it even more convenient to filter the documents of interest. In addition, these tags can be organized into groups to more easily reach the ones expected, and when working with them, you can select many of them at once. I’ve also worked on increasing the smoothness of the application.

Some of the things I’ve been working on additionally include:
Fixes for pasting HTML into the Markdown editor
Spell checker - introduction of a “wavy” line for spelling errors
Performance fixes in the repository search window
Fixes in the preview of documents in the list
Index update to the latest version of Lucene
Fixes in scrolling in markdown editor
Fix for refreshing the document in the list after renaming it
Fixes in displaying some EML files